House Cleaning? Practical Insights Ahead!
A woman in an apron and gloves is holding a mop.

Whether you own or rent, you deserve to live in a clean, uncluttered home. House cleaning and an organized home positively influence our natural senses, adding comfort and happiness to our well-being.


Let’s focus on selecting and utilizing ergonomic cleaning tools for cleaning tasks. User-friendly house cleaning tools provide added benefits for our physical well-being. However, using tools that are too heavy or awkward to navigate during cleaning can harm the body.

An important example: A heavy and bulky vacuum cleaner model will require push-pull movements resembling hostile engagement when cleaning bare floors or carpeted surfaces. This stress can negatively impact knee joints and the back and irritate tiny muscles within our bodies. Let’s remember to evaluate and select cleaning tools observantly.

Simply grabbing a broom, vacuum, or bucket with cleaning cloths and products and then going room to room is a failing plan for an efficient, clean result. A practical and efficient approach eliminates risks, loss of time, and, wait for it, poor cleaning results.

The highest degree of house cleaning proficiency includes:

  • Creating a cleaning schedule: A daily – Weekly – Bi-weekly – Monthly task list ensures that all areas in a home are regularly cleaned. 
  • Creating a helpful cheat sheet for every room or space: List the cleaning supplies and products required for cleaning hard surfaces and furnishings for your targeted cleaning. 
  • Break up your cleaning tasks into smaller, manageable parts for a room, mudroom, or foyer space, i.e., high dusting, light fixture, baseboard, interior and exterior upper ledge and door trim cleaning (two sides), and floor care (Vacuuming or Floor Washing). This is a practical chunk for accomplishing your clean goals on a given day! 
  • Create a Delegation List to Divide or Even Outsource Cleaning Tasks: With Household Members
  • Bringing in a Professionally Trained Cleaning Service
  • Hiring a Private Housekeeper: Interview Prudently and Invite Ask Cindy to Provide Housekeeper Training specifically for your home.
  • Select Efficient Cleaning Tools & Cleaning Products: Invest in high-quality ergonomic cleaning tools to make cleaning easier. 
  • Select cleaning solutions that are safe and effective. Contact Ask Cindy to support this process.

Never underestimate the difference that high-quality cleaning tools can make. The Cleaning Store at AskCindy Shop offers ergonomic cleaning tools and highly effective products that make house cleaning jobs easier! Experience a visible difference today!

A woman is holding a mop and cleaning supplies.
A pair of orange towels with black trim.
A spray bottle and a can of glass cleaner.
A white pole with a black handle and a wooden base.

“Ask” is right in the name Ask Cindy. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. Especially when seeking support from a knowledgeable professional. Ask Cindy is here to be of service – always!

Still have questions? Contact Cindy here. Need supplies? Visit for all your general cleaning needs.

A blue and white logo for the car company.

Meet the Author: Cindy Inman, Founder & CEO

As a dedicated house cleaning expert, I’ve cataloged an extensive knowledge base for removing undesirable dirt and soil from household surfaces and objects. Equally important, establishing customized maintenance schedules for the newly cleaned surfaces and objects in the home is also an essential requirement.

Let’s clean the house together!

Cindy Inman


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