Cleaning and Disinfecting Kitchen & Bathroom Countertops

Cleaning and disinfecting touchable kitchen and bathroom countertops when doing housecleaning tasks is a healthy requirement. Especially now more than ever, during a modern-day pandemic.
A few minutes every day, I’m cleaning & disinfecting high-touched countertop surfaces as complementary tasks. Why? Your eyes cannot see the lurking and transferable microbes/germs on surfaces. Cleaning & disinfecting supports a healthy and touchable environment for the household.
FYI: Cleaning versus disinfecting: Cleaning with soap and warm water removes the soil from a surface. Still, only designated EPA cleaning solutions will specifically target and kill lurking germs and bacteria that soap and water cannot destroy. More than ever, during a modern-day pandemic, we must clean and disinfect to eliminate these undesirable microbes from kitchen and bathroom countertop surfaces.
Ask Cindy’s cleaning and disinfecting how-tos for clean and sanitized countertops is an essential recommendation to stop the spread/transference of germs during and after this global epidemic.
My recommended cleaning and disinfecting solutions/products are on my eCommerce site: Your selection from these favs depends on your specific situation. Still have questions? Contact Cindy here. Need supplies? Visit for all your general cleaning needs.
ACH Recipe for Countertop Cleaning:
- Clean the exposed countertop surface with a soap and water solution (1/4 bucket of warm water, placing two droplets of clear dish soap into the water).
- Using an appropriately measured white terry cloth cleaning towel, submerge it into the solution, wetting it thoroughly and wringing it firmly (no water should be dripping from the cloth).
- Wipe to remove any embedded soil from the countertop surface. Repeat steps 2-3 if necessary or if the water becomes dirty, change it, and repeat steps 1-3. We want a soil-free countertop surface – then the surface is clean and ready for disinfecting.
ACH Recipe for Countertop Disinfecting:
- You can select from any of the disinfecting cleaning solutions advertised on my site. Please follow the directions on the product label for the product-to-water ratio to create the disinfecting solution.
- Regionalize a large countertop surface into equal parts to be disinfected. To prevent reapplying germs to the surface. FYI: submerging the cleaning cloth into the cleaning solution often rinses out collected bacteria from your towel as you wipe.
- Allow the newly wet surface to sit for at least five minutes before drying it with a new/freshwater-dampened cloth. Buff the freshly clean & disinfected countertop dry.
- Done!
P.S. As previously stated, I highly recommend using 100% white cotton cleaning towels for the wet and drying cleaning process. Importantly, one can see the captured dirt and soil without competition from design patterns and colors. The 100% white cotton cleaning towels machine wash hygienically with laundry soap and disinfecting bleach. This disinfecting process is conducive to reusing these magnificent clothes over and over again. The described how-tos will become effortless activities pretty quickly. Promise!
Stay well, stay safe, and remember to take action against unwanted germs!
Best regards,